So I have finally made the change over to typepad. There are a couple reasons why I've made this change, including sidebar envy (now I too have awesome links telling you who I read!), but the real reason is so I can type little snippets and have it look a bit more elegant than it was coming off on Diaryland. My old archives will definitely remain here, so feel free to go back and browse those guys at any time. I'm hoping that this move will infuse some much-needed vim and vigor into the blog, and perhaps I shall even show you more pictures.
I had a crazy-busy and very fulfilling weekend. Thank god for three-day weekends (even though Columbus Day is totally bullshit), because there was no way I'd have gotten everything done in the usual two. Saturday was a cold and rather ugly day, but we used the excuse to head over to REI and stock up on some cold weather biking gear, and then went straight over to the trail and went for our customary 22-mile ride. We (along with these guys) were the only people out on the trail. It was rather pathetic. Sure, it was cold, but it wasn't as if the Ice Man were Cometh-ing, or anything. It surely never wavered below 54 degrees. It wasn't even raining that hard--mostly just sprinkling. As I remarked to R, this would have been considered a good day for biking up behind the Redwood Curtain. I was amazed at the inherent wimpiness of all the city folk.
Sunday was taken over by another monster bike ride (this time wandering all over our neighborhood), and then I was finally able to get down to business on Monday. I'd ordered some bulbs from these guys, and they arrived on Friday. So yesterday I planted 12 giant daffodils, 12 red tulips, and 15 Skagit Valley tulips. I'm really excited about these last ones--they look really interesting. After putting the bulbs in we weeded and mulched all of the exterior grounds. In the backyard I pulled out all of my salvia and petunias, and worked some compost in the bedding soil. As a reward for all my hard work, I took the birthday money my grandmother sent me and went to play at one of my favorite nurseries. I bought eight pansies, which will hopefully last through the winter and into spring. I also bought some ornamental gourds, including (of course) a pumpkin, as well as a nice big orange mum that is sitting out on my front stoop. So my garden is all ready for fall, and I am a much happier camper than when it was running wild.