I'm uber-busy today, but I couldn't resist gloating about this, or this, or this. I'm also especially happy to note that South Dakota's draconic ban on all abortions with no exception for the health of the mother has failed, as have measures in California and Orgeon requiring parental notification before a minor obtains an abortion. The Oregon measure was particularly horrifying in that it specifically dictated victims of rape and incest would nto be excempted from the requirement.
I woke up this morning to a Democratic House, and next month, when the VA vote is certified, I full expect to wake up to a Democratic Senate as well. Two years ago, after the 2004 elections, I felt completely betrayed by my country, as if my most deeply held values were considered insignificant by large numbers of my fellow citizens. Today all that bitterness is gone.
Dems, you rock and you conducted disciplined and focused campaigns all over the country. Please don't loose that focus in the next two years. Keep your eyes on the prize--turning red states blue!!
Yay, South Dakota!
Posted by: Jenny | November 08, 2006 at 07:00 PM