Baby's taking a nap! Woohoo! This hasn't happened in SUCH a long time, so I'm finally able to get some stuff done around the house. But of course, instead of doing that, I'm fooling around on the internet. I'll just call it "me time."
As you may know, I've become a pretty dedicated fan of Ask Moxie. Lately she challenged her readers to change 3 things about their lives for 60 days. I chose:
1. 2 servings of fruit and veggies each day. I know this should be 5, but I'm lucky to get 2 servings a week, so I figured I'd start small with something that I know I can manage rather than going whole hog.
2. 15-20 minutes of exercise at least 3 days a week. This includes dancing around the nursery with the baby, as well as long walks with the baby. Now that the kiddo is finally taking a bottle, I'm hoping to enroll him in the child care program at the gym and get some actual workouts in as well.
3. Clean the house for 10 or 15 minutes every day--and then not obsess about what isn't getting done. This is the biggest one for me. With the baby not really napping anymore (he'll do catnaps of 20-40 minutes most days), the house is a bloody wreck. It's stressing me out to no end, and I often feel like the situation is hopeless. But I have a feeling that if I commit to doing a little bit every day that this will help keep the place in order. My folks are coming for a visit in a week, so we're going to do a major cleaning this weekend--and then I'll hopefully be able to maintain the status quo. But even if I can't, I need to learn not to get all stressed out and upset and instead just enjoy this time while the kiddo is still completely dependent on me.
In other news, I went back to work yesterday to train my replacement and realized how much I enjoyed talking to other adults. Don't get me wrong---hanging out with Yvonne is awesome and a total lifesaver, not to mention sanity saver. But the time has come for me to branch out a little more and make some new mama friends. So I've contacted the president of our local MOMS club, and I'll be checking that out towards the end of March. I'm very excited--lately it feels like I've fallen into a complete rut, and it will be nice to have some activities on the calendar to break up the week.
And finally, my daffodils and tulips are starting to make a reappearance--spring is around the corner, and I can't wait!