I'm getting really sick of this notion of small-town values. I spend a good chunk of my formative years in a small town, and I loved it. I would love to get back to to a small town, and I would love to raise my kids in a small town. I like constantly running into friends, knowing all the checkers at the local supermarket, and the strong sense of community that lots of small towns have.
Small town values and morals? People in small towns are just as nasty and hypocritical as people in cities. Growing up in a small town, I saw drug abuse, child abuse, teenage sex, and neglect. I saw people taking advantage of their neighbors. I saw theft and petty, small-minded gossip. I saw violent crimes and murder, including a 14-year-old girl.
Living in the DC metro area, I've seen good people coming together as a community. I've seen and experienced unbelievable kindness from perfect strangers and from new friends. I've met some of the most generous people in my life, and some of the most genuinely religious people. I've met people committed to living a good life, not just talking about it. I've met people I could call at 3 am if I needed to.
People are pretty much the same all over. Living in a small town doesn't protect you anymore, and living in a city is no longer the Sister Carrie den of iniquity and sin that the Republican leaders would have you believe.